Minds on the Frontline Podcast (E22) – Breathe In Breathe Out with Crystal Little

In today’s episode, we have the honor of welcoming Crystal Little who is an EMS Captain with Palm Beach County Fire Rescue. In addition, Crystal is a certified Health and Wellness Coach, a yoga teacher, a somatic breath work facilitator, and a Morozko cold-water guide. You can find more information about Crystal and her offerings a www.alittlereset.com.

During this episode, Crystal is eager to share her enthusiasm for breathwork and the many ways it can improve our lives. She’ll break down the basics of somatic release breathwork, showing us how it can help heal our emotions and bodies. Plus, Crystal will introduce us to some great additional practices, such as float tanks, cold plunges, and heat bathing. She’ll explain in simple terms how these activities, along with breathwork, can help frontline workers and anyone looking to enhance their overall health and happiness.

Minds on the Frontline Podcast brought to you by the Frontline Strong Together 5 Program. FST5 provides streamlined access to behavioral and mental health services, as well as crisis resources for Michigan’s frontline five workers and their families. NEED HELP NOW? If you are a frontline worker in Michigan or an immediate family member, experiencing any crisis – work-related, substance abuse, depression, relationships, finances, or any other, reach out by calling 1-833-34-STRONG or go to FST5.org for more information.

Posted in Podcasts.