Left Nostril Breathing | Stress Relief | Breath Control

Left nostril breathing is a technique that helps dial down your stress response (sympathetic nervous system) while activating your relaxation response (parasympathetic nervous system). Try this for 10 reps whenever you’re feeling a little stressed out.

Dr. Raj Brar is a Los Angeles based physical therapist specializing in sports injury therapy and correction. Dr. Brar spends most of his time working with runners and other athletes helping to correct a number of issues as well as working on mechanical form correction and strength training as a method for future injury prevention.

Mindful Body Scan

A body scan is a simple and essential mindfulness skill that can help you connect with the present moment, reduce anxiety and stress, and feel calmer.
The essence of a body scan exercise is to bring your awareness to various parts of your body, to scan your body with your noticing, and to come into contact and acceptance with the sensations in each area of your body.


Dispatcher Mandatory Overtime

We will be joining my co-worker, Mary. A 32-year-old 9-1-1 dispatcher who is on the phone with her mother after being informed of mandatory overtime due to another co-worker calling off.

Mary has kids in daycare and her husband just started his police shift. So now she must find someone to pick up the children because she is unable to leave.