That resilience is one of the most important traits to have, is critical to their happiness and success, & can be learned.Adept at leveraging transparency to inspire and get results, this former College Recruiting, Talent Management, Diversity, and Supply Chain leader left the corporate world to fulfill his vision of building unbreakable spirits and cultivating resiliency for those who, like him, have The Audacity to Succeed.
Category Archives: Fire
The Aching Red: Firefighters Often Silently Suffer from Trauma and Job-related Stress

Matthew was exposed to unimaginable scenes of pain and suffering in his job over more than a decade as a firefighter. The last straw came when he witnessed the death of a teenager – who was the same age as his son – from an overdose.
“The worst part is when you see an infant or a child die,” he told me during a visit. “Exposure to their family’s pain – and that you could not save that life – is very heartbreaking.” Matthew, for whom I’m using a pseudonym to protect his privacy, was being treated at my clinic for post-traumatic stress disorder and depression.
Logan: Addiction
Young vetern talks about overcoming addiction and a destructive lifestyle through allowing another vetern to positively speak into his life.
A Widow’s Story
After husband’s suicide, a firefighter’s widow talks mental health with first responders
Mental Health and Resilience
First Responder Mental Health & Resilience Communication
It’s Real: PTSD
PTSD in First Responders
Uncertainty and it’s cost
John Farah- In Their Own Words
Brain scans help shed light

Celebrities and public figures have recently been more open about mental health conditions they deal with. This is a positive sign of shrinking stigma around mental illness, and it also helps in reducing it. The most recent in this line was Ariana Grande’s mention of post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD … and a brain scan.