Minds on the Frontline (E44) – Mike McFall: State of Michigan Representative

In this episode, we sit down with Michigan State Representative Mike McFall, a dedicated advocate for public safety and community well-being. Representing House District 8, which includes Hazel Park, Madison Heights, and portions of Ferndale, Detroit, and Highland Park (and expanding to parts of Warren and Centerline in 2025), Mike brings a hands-on approach to his work—riding along with police, joining fire runs, and securing critical funding for public safety. We explore how these firsthand experiences have shaped his understanding of frontline challenges, including the pressing need to address mental health for first responders and their families. Mike shares actionable strategies for reducing stigma, improving access to support, and fostering stronger connections between legislators, leaders, and the frontline community. This episode delivers inspiring insights and practical solutions for anyone passionate about supporting those who protect and serve.

Minds on the Frontline Podcast is brought to you by the Frontline Strong Together 5 Program. FST5 provides streamlined access to behavioral and mental health services, as well as crisis resources for Michigan’s frontline workers and their families.

Posted in Podcasts.